Perform in 2025

A dancer in gold captivating an audience.

Unleash your artistry in pole dance and perform in Victoria, BC!  Chose performances that suit your personal style through opportunities produced by the PoleCoven team, community partners or prep for your own performance goals. Whether you'd like to join a group or pursue a solo piece, we offer a variety of opportunities to the participants.

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Captivate empowers your journey, whether you’re prepping for go-go dancing or creating a stage concept. Our specialty classes blend pole dance with styles like contemporary, burlesque or hip-hop dance. Our heels-focused classes explore erotic techniques from club and sex work culture, taught by sex workers and allies for an authentic experience.

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Choose Your Performance style

A pole dancer in black performing in an audience

REfine Series

A dancer in a split performing for an audience

All Captivate students join “Refine,” a weekly training series designed to enhance and refine your movement on and off the pole. Led by a lead instructor, the series also features rotating instructors, giving you diverse insights and techniques to enhance your performance.

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All Captivate participants attend performance-focused workshops. These workshops cover topics such as musicality, choreography, stage presence, and dance styles specific to solo or group pieces. Additionally, all PoleCoven-produced or co-produced performances include Directors' Workshops led by the production team.

Coming Soon

Speciality Performance workshops

A dancer updside down performing for an audience